
Real estate purchase cost calculator

Przedmiot sprzedaży:

Cena nieruchomości:
Podatek od czynności cywilnoprawnych:
Taksa notarialna (opłata notarialna):
VAT od taksy notarialnej (opłaty notarialnej):
Opłata za wniosek (+ VAT)
Prowizja agencji nieruchomości:
VAT od prowizji agencji nieruchomości:
Opłata sądowa:
Suma opłat dodatkowych:
RAZEM (cena + opłaty):


What is the real estate or purchase cost calculator?

The following tool is a great solution for people who are not sure how much it costs to sell or buy a property. The virtual calculator will help you calculate costs such as:

  • tax on civil law activities
  • VAT on the sale of an apartment
  • notary fee
  • VAT application fee
  • commission for real estate agency
  • VAT on real estate agency commissions
  • court fees.

How to use the real estate purchase cost calculator?

It is very easy. All you have to do is first of all define the subject of sale. It can be: cooperative ownership with a land register, cooperative ownership, mortgage, house, plot. How much the fees will be also depends on that. The second parameter we need to enter is the property value.

What are the costs of selling or buying a property?

On the basis of the price of the property, we calculate, among other things, notary fees for the sale or purchase of real estate.

Detailed rules can be found in the Regulation of the Minister of Justice of June 28, 2004 on the maximum rates of notary fees (Journal of Laws of 2004, No. 148, item 1564).

It is worth noting that the commission for the real estate agency also depends on the price of the property.

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